Concentration Too Heavy

•August 25, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Where is mine?
Did its time.
Now I am left without a dime.
Without means to survive
In this pompus social grime.

Arguing with myself.
Constantly unsure.
Indecisive nature
Taking me slightly under.
Thanks, life, for not letting me slip all the way.
Be right back in a moment.
..I need a drink.

Now, gentlemen of the court,
Let me think.
Let me ponder the ideas you have waved in my face.
Let me decide whether to listen again.
…Oh, wait… Am I not of authority?
Well, then
Action I will take.
Be right back in a moment.
..I need to quake.

Should I converse with you again?
Or should I let you be?
I cannot decide
For the life of me.
Your smile,
Your humor,
Your pure ruby heart
Remind me
You’re truly
A masterpiece of art.

She is there for you.
It is clear.
Maybe I should just drift away, dear.
But the chemistry is what I fear.
Will I find it again somewhere?
My fingers are running through my hair.
My teeth are biting, as if in despair.
It is time to set my mind on “glide.”

My life of law is on one side.
The other is starting to collide
With this seed I am planting in my mind
That I need more attention on me this time.
I cannot stop at validating what’s crime.
I have to look inward to find
The motive for even being alive.
Not like I feel I am living a lie
But I do feel my ego as it subsides;
And why must that happen at the drop of a dime?

I guess I will find out
When I re-piece my mind.

Take Me Out of This Ball Game

•August 25, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Take me out of this ball game.

Take me out of the dark.

Find me some laughter and harmony.

I don’t care if my voice shakes or cracks.

For I know myself better than you.

If you win I repel blame.

For I’ve hit this ball many times.

Time to find my name.

Walk with me for an hour.

I will follow your lead.

Tell me you’re happy under this sky

I will nodd as if I do know why

And we’ll see just what is in store, dear.

Your smile will save me from shame.

So I guess we’ll see how we feel

When I’ve changed my game.

Like Limbo

•August 25, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Up, down, side to side.

I pivot left, I pivot right.

Slow me down

Before there’s a fight.

Pin my arms.

Do it tonight.

I am in the world of confusion.

And Limbo ain’t ‘got beat’, this nation.

All the stumble fumble mumbles.

All the sorrows and the troubles.

Dancing with the music softly

But the music also carries lofty

Tragedies I can stomach not.

Whistling, I hear a pin drop.

Consciously I live my life.

Subconsciously I count my strifes.

Eventually I will chill tonight.

Emensely I will feel my light.

All I need

And all I ever will

Is for us

To be perfectly still

And not disrupt my train of thought.

Love and lust have been for naught.

So silly my mind has over time got.

Laughter on its way,

It screams:

Help yourself

Find your dreams.

Laughter on its way,

It cries:

You must not tell yourself lies.

Laughter on its way,

It sings:

You can do most anything.

Friend of mine… He May Seem Kind…

•July 7, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Little girl, little girl
Grow a healthy outlook like you should.

Little girl, little girl
Tell me how you can take this lightly…

You are a beautiful female with heart.
I think you need to recreate your plot…
Because without
A sudden change
You may actually end up falling apart.

Little girl, little girl
He lies only to your good nature.
He will lie endlessly
Till you will regret affiliation!!!

Someday he’ll take you for granted

Until you’re lying on the floor….

Just because
Just because
You choose not to listen to us…

Steeeeal his clothes!


•June 21, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Sisters of the love-hate variety
Prepare for volume in social anxieties.
Forever loving, but going through the memories…
Love prevails though the hate is always lingering.
Memories are tainted with the hate-love curse, but thankfully this insanity doesn’t require a nurse.
As the world keeps spinning, and you’re at a distance, there is no fighting with my devout resistance that’s keeping the negative from your life.
I never will plan an action out of spite
Nor wish away your dreams tonight.
On the contrary, I would like to fight
To keep your smile shining bright..
Regardless of the growing dark night
Blending into our changing light.

Look At Yourself

•June 4, 2010 • Leave a Comment

When one won’t own up to his/her mistakes, it is semi tolerable.. Once one decides to shun another by saying he/she equals them, while still not owning up… that deserves poetry.

So sad and pathetic.
You chose drama over friendship.
Not my fault you believe all the lies.
And I thought, all this time, you were able to sympathize.
I guess you have to grow
A heart before you know
A friendship goes both ways.
Look inside and see.
Stop talking shit, these days.
We care not for this haze,
You brainwashing maid.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
Your bull makes us all zombies.
Waiting for some life-breeze
To put our tension at ease.
Put on your underwear, knowing
I did less than half your showing.
You did more than anyone I ever, ever knew.
Now you want to make my life
Into a negative stew.
You did this to me constantly,
And I always forgave.
So excuse me when I let you know
I never risked your name.
That was you
You incredibly selfish little dame.
If I had done what you said I did
Your location wouldn’t be the same.
Sorry, now there is that anger
That I cannot tame.
It is very interesting
How easily you lay blame.
As if a friend doesn’t make mistakes
And fall over, insane.
As if her mind does not slip up
Like yours has in your change.
I guess we’ll see
Who runs to thee
When they need a friend.
I doubt it will be anybody
Worth it, in the end.


•May 28, 2010 • 1 Comment

My head is in a merry-go-round.
The seat keeps bumping above all the town.
Why, in the dark, must I break down and cry
When all of my worries are of shallow tide?

I’m moving along, though some have stumped my glide.
Someone please help me provide
Some pure feeling inside
For myself and us all under such tall ceilings.

I try to forget the small things
That rob me of my smiles;
But it’s difficult with
What has been in my face for far too long a while.

So come with me, and we will be free
Underneath a gigantic tree.
Oxygen’s intense healing
Traveling through our beings.

My head is in a merry-go-round.
The seat keeps bumping above all the town.
Why, in the dark, must I break down and cry
When all of my worries are of shallow tide?

Travel around the world with me
And we will enrich ourselves, culturally.
Then no time for negative seeds.
Too much blossoming
Of language and scenes.

Nonsense is very good for the soul
But only the kind that keeps you whole.
Wholesome profits
From a wholesome ride.

I’ll try to keep my stride
But you must thus provide
Me with your faith,
So life’s mind can decide.
Faith in the light that comes our way.
Faith and hope for purer, better days.

I’m moving along, though some have stumped my glide.
Someone please help me provide
Some pure feeling inside
For myself and us all under such tall ceilings.

Haikus by Serena

•May 27, 2010 • Leave a Comment


It’s a summer’s day.
So I have got to say “hey,
Where is your bathing suit?

In Loving Memories

Loved your smile so much.
Loved every bit of your charm.
Love life without you.


I am breathing in.
Your scent rushes over.
I am breathing out.

Loving Shield

Lucky for you, you
Have a loving character;
‘Cause I can’t stand you.

Come with

Wonderful lady
Please won’t you take my hand?
Fly with me, lovely.

Hello to Hell

Mars is so hot it
Makes me think of a hell pit.
Take me to Mars now.

Be Kind

Where is your kindness?
Does it only live with her?
Just with your daughter?

Choices Made

Selective am I
With my choices in pride’s eye.
In denial not.


Let life sweep you up,
And always admit to life.
For all get swept up.


Examine your life.
The masterpiece that it is.
It’s the one you own.

We The P(ress)eople

•May 15, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Dramarama comes in all shapes and all sizes.
And the main thing that we all come to realize is
All of the falls, and all of the rises.
Unnecessary traces
Of bitterness’ races..
Unnecessary causes
To turn on the mad faucets
Spewing out no logic
But words so close to toxic.
We waste our breath, hoping
That we win the battle, coping.
We spin our minds and hearts into spools.
We forget who we are,
We forget why we’re here;
And all of the mess, magically, gets into gear.
We become hypocrites, the more we delve fourth.
We become ultimate
Negativity warts.
Lose sight of our worth
And then we become
Love’s true enemy.
Fit enough for fight
But weak enough to damage destiny.
And quick enough for envy.
But despite all the sensation
Likened to taking over a nation
We try to deplete ourselves of our grand creations.
In hopes that our sanity will see better reason.
We want this all to melt, in the end,
So embrace it.

Only You, Only me. Sitting in this Willow tree.

•March 7, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Looking Up.

I wonder where the angels are.
Watching me as I sleep.
I wonder where they are.
Are they company you keep?
I wonder what keeps me up
When I should be so down.
I wonder why my mess glitters up.
And from where comes its sound?
Love and its special light.
Please, help me stop these fights.
Love, let time heal faster
My heart’s weak stance.
Help let sweet melodies have a chance.
I need to be inside a great trance
So sorrow can leave me alone;
Then splendor about all love known.
His heart’s light hath shown
The beauty of mine own.
With this, a gift was bestowed.
Help, angels, let me upload
The zen from future’s promised bliss.
Life, help me feel my love’s sweet kiss.